Evidence-based assessment for the development of the German energy transition (Evidenzbasiertes Assessment für die Gestaltung der deutschen Energiewende (Ariadne))
From electricity supply to industry to the Paris climate goals, from individual sectors to the bigger picture: with the Ariadne project, the Stiftung Umweltenergierecht along with leading research institutions, participates in a comprehensive research process to shape the energy transition. The objective of the three-year project is to better comprehend the impact of various policy instruments in order to be able to develop socially viable energy transition strategies. The Stiftung Umweltenergierecht dedicates its jurisprudential research work to central issues in the energy and climate sector that lie at the interface of European and German law. These include aspects of carbon pricing, industrial competitiveness and the future expansion of renewable energies.
Duration: 1 June 2020 – 31 May 2023
Funded by: Copernicus research programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project partners: adelphi| Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus – Senftenberg (BTU) | German Energy Agency (dena) | German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) | German Aerospace Centre (DLR) | Ecologic Institute | Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Integrated Energy Systems (CINES) | Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon | Hertie School | Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences | German Economic Institute (IW) Cologne | Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility | Institute For Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) | Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) | Öko-Institut e.V. | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) | RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research | Stiftung 2° – German Businesses for Climate Protection | Technical University (TU) of Darmstadt | Technical University of Munich | University of Hamburg | University of Münster | University of Potsdam | University of Stuttgart – Institute of Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use (IER) | ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Project management

Fabian Pause (Projektleitung)
Tel: +49-931-79 40 77-18

Dr. Thorsten Müller
Tel: +49-931-79 40 77-0

Jana Viktoria Nysten
Tel: +49-931-79 40 77-273

Dr. Markus Kahles
Tel: +49-931-79 40 77-16

Johanna Kamm
Tel: +49-931-79 40 77-0

Dr. Maximilian Wimmer
Tel: +49-931-79 40 77-10

Kimberly Harder
Tel: +49-931-79 40 77-0
Jana Viktoria Nysten,
Der EU-Grenzausgleichsmechanismus als logische Folge des EU-Emissionshandels
Julian Senders,
Vom Einspeisemanagement zum Redispatch 2.0: Ausgleich für wartungs-, reparatur- und netzausbaubedingte Abregelungen
Zeitschrift für das gesamte Recht der Energiewirtschaft (EnWZ) 2023, Heft 1-2, S. 15 ff.
Jana Viktoria Nysten,
Emissionen kennen keine Grenzen - RGC Klimarecht Podcast zum EU CBAM (Grenzausgleichsmechanismus)
RGC Klimarecht Podcast, 26. Januar 2023
Jana Viktoria Nysten,
Climate Clubs in Context
Vortrag, Ariadne-Online-Seminar, Würzburg, 06. Oktober 2022
Jana Viktoria Nysten,
CBAM oder Klimaclub – die EU als Vorreiter einer internationalen CO2-Bepreisung
Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht (EurUP), 2022, Ausgabe 2, S. 181-194
Hartmut Kahl,
Podcast: Das Klima klagt
Das Klima klagt – Interview mit Dr. Hartmut Kahl, DER RGC Klimarecht Podcast, Hannover, 30. August 2022, abrufbar unter
Der RGC Klimarecht Podcast | Podcast auf Spotify |
Fabian Pause, Benjamin Görlach, Jana Viktoria Nysten, Michael Jakob, Katharina Umpfenbach, Mirjam Kosch, Michael Pahle, Théo Konc, Nils aus dem Moore, Johannes Brehm, Simon Feindt,
Ariadne Report: A Fair and Solidarity-based EU Emissions Trading System für Buildings and Road Transport (Ein fairer und solidarischer EU-Emissionshandel für Gebäude und Straßenverkehr)
Ariadne Report, Potsdam, 17. Juni 2022