Legal opinion on the GEG and the EBPD (Gutachten zum GEG und zur EBPD)
The level of ambition towards climate neutrality in Germany by 2045 must also be re-flected in building law, especially in the Building Energy Act (GEG). It is indisputable that this ambitious goal requires a reduction in consumption through structural heat insula-tion and the use of renewable energies on a large scale. For this, comprehensive chang-es in the GEG, also influenced by new European legislation, must be made, which are addressed in this project.
Duration: 15. December 2021 – 14. December 2024
Funded by: Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA), Bundesstelle für Energieeffizienz
Project partners: ifeu Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg gGmbH, Guidehouse, Öko-Institut e.V., Deutsche Energie-Agentur dena, ibh Ingenieurbüro Prof. Dr. Hauser GmbH, iTG, FIW München
Project management

Dr. Markus Kahles (Projektleitung)
Tel: +49-931-79 40 77-16

Dr. Maximilian Wimmer
Tel: +49-931-79 40 77-10

Oliver Antoni
Tel: +49-931-79 40 77-0

Susanne Weber
Tel: +49-931-79 40 77-0
The level of ambition towards climate neutrality in Germany by 2045 must also be re-flected in building law, especially in the Building Energy Act (GEG). This ambitious goal requires a reduction in consumption through structural heat insulation and the use of renewable energies on a large scale. Parallel to the discussion in Germany, new impuls-es are also being set at EU level through the Renovation Wave and the amendment of the Buildings Directive (EPBD) as well as other directives.
A revision of the GEG must combine both the achievement of targets and an economi-cally sound and socially acceptable transformation path. Important contributions are voluntary action by building owners and incentives from subsidy and tax law. However, these alone are by far not sufficient to achieve the goals. Regulatory law is therefore of paramount importance. So far, the GEG is considered to be extremely complex and un-satisfactory in its implementation.
The project therefore aims to analyse, evaluate and develop proposals for the further de-velopment of requirements in the GEG and in the EPBD amendment as well as the building-relevant aspects of the other directives in the light of the political stipulations of the new federal government. To this end, the existing system of requirements in the building sector is to be reviewed in the light of the European and national legal situation and, if necessary, alternatives are to be developed. The key point here is that the new system of requirements must contribute to further reducing CO2 emissions in the build-ing sector in accordance with the target path of the Climate Protection Act by 2030 and beyond – in order to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality for Germany by 2045.